Disc Regeneration Surgery

Disc regeneration is a newer and more advanced method for treating damaged or herniated discs using the body’s healing ability. This innovative approach involves harvesting stem cells from the patient’s own bone marrow, which are then transplanted into the damaged disc area to promote tissue regeneration and repair. As a form of regenerative medicine, disc regeneration offers the potential for long-term effectiveness and minimal invasiveness, with a reduced risk of immune rejection compared to traditional treatments like spinal fusion or artificial disc replacement. With the expertise of a skilled surgeon like Dr. Jian Shen, disc regeneration can offer a promising treatment option for individuals suffering from chronic pain and other symptoms caused by damaged or herniated discs.

stem cells harvested from a patient of dr. jian shen during disc regeneration


Disc regeneration is a form of regenerative medicine that uses the body’s own healing ability to repair damaged or herniated discs. The procedure involves harvesting stem cells from the patient’s own bone marrow, which are then processed and transplanted into the damaged disc area using endoscopic procedures.


During the procedure, Dr. Jian Shen will use a minimally invasive procedure to extract stem cells from the patient’s bone marrow. The harvested stem cells are then processed using an advanced centrifugation method to concentrate and purify them. The processed stem cells are then transplanted into the damaged disc area using an endoscope, which allows for precise placement and minimal invasiveness.


Once transplanted, the stem cells integrate with the damaged disc tissue and begin secreting essential growth factors that promote the regeneration of new, healthy disc tissue. The stem cells also begin dividing and replicating to help restore or repair the damaged area.


One of the key benefits of disc regeneration is that the patient’s own cells are used, reducing the risk of immune rejection and potential complications associated with foreign materials. Additionally, cell-generated tissues retain their capacity for remodeling and growth, unlike non-biological materials that can wear with time.


Overall, disc regeneration offers a promising and innovative treatment option for individuals suffering from damaged or herniated discs, providing long-term effectiveness and minimal invasiveness with the use of the body’s own healing ability.

Benefits of Disc Regeneration

Disc regeneration surgery offers several benefits for individuals suffering from damaged or herniated discs. Some of these benefits include:

  1. Long-term effectiveness: Disc regeneration surgery promotes the regeneration of new, healthy disc tissue, which can offer long-lasting pain relief and improve overall function.
  2. Minimal invasiveness: Compared to traditional surgical treatments like spinal fusion, disc regeneration surgery is minimally invasive, with smaller incisions and less disruption to surrounding tissues.
  3. Use of the patient’s own cells: By using stem cells harvested from the patient’s own bone marrow, disc regeneration surgery reduces the risk of immune rejection and other complications associated with foreign materials.
  4. Reduced recovery time: With minimal invasiveness and smaller incisions, disc regeneration surgery typically has a shorter recovery time than traditional surgical treatments.
  5. Improved quality of life: By reducing chronic pain, weakness, and other symptoms associated with damaged or herniated discs, disc regeneration surgery can significantly improve a patient’s quality of life and ability to perform daily activities.
dr. jian shen harnessing stem cells for disc regeneration

Comparison to Spinal Fusion and Artificial Disc Replacement

Disc regeneration surgery is a newer and more advanced treatment option for individuals suffering from damaged or herniated discs compared to traditional surgical treatments like spinal fusion and artificial disc replacement.


Spinal fusion involves removing the damaged disc and fusing the vertebrae above and below it together. While spinal fusion can be effective, it also has limitations, such as reducing flexibility and increasing stress on adjacent discs. Additionally, spinal fusion is more invasive than disc regeneration surgery, requiring larger incisions and longer recovery times.


Artificial disc replacement involves replacing the damaged disc with an artificial one made of metal, plastic, or a combination of both. While this procedure can also be effective, the artificial disc can wear out over time and need to be replaced. Artificial disc replacement is also more invasive than disc regeneration surgery, requiring larger incisions and longer recovery times.


Disc regeneration surgery, on the other hand, uses the patient’s own stem cells to regenerate and repair the damaged disc tissue, without the need for foreign materials. It is a minimally invasive procedure, with smaller incisions and shorter recovery times compared to spinal fusion and artificial disc replacement. Additionally, disc regeneration surgery has the potential for long-term effectiveness, with the patient’s own cells retaining their capacity for remodeling and growth.

Dr. Jian Shen’s Expertise

Dr. Jian Shen is a world-renowned leader in endoscopic spine surgery and disc regeneration. He is a fellowship-trained, board-certified spine surgeon with extensive experience in minimally invasive surgical techniques.


Dr. Shen’s expertise in endoscopic spine surgery allows him to perform surgeries with smaller incisions, less blood loss, and faster recovery times compared to traditional surgical methods. This means that his patients experience less pain and are able to return to their daily activities sooner.


In addition to his expertise in endoscopic spine surgery, Dr. Shen is a pioneer in disc regeneration, using the body’s own stem cells to regenerate and repair damaged or herniated discs. He has extensive experience in this minimally invasive procedure and has achieved impressive results for his patients.


Dr. Shen’s goal in performing any surgical procedure is to make the patient pain-free and help them regain their quality of life. He takes a patient-centered approach, working closely with each individual to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses their unique needs and concerns.

Frequently Asked Questions About Disc Regeneration 

What is disc regeneration?

Disc regeneration is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that uses the patient’s own stem cells to regenerate and repair damaged or herniated discs.

How does disc regeneration work?

During the procedure, stem cells are harvested from the patient’s own bone marrow, processed, and transplanted into the damaged disc area using endoscopic procedures. The stem cells then integrate with the damaged disc tissue and promote the regeneration of new, healthy disc tissue.

What are the benefits of disc regeneration compared to traditional surgical treatments?

Disc regeneration offers several benefits, including long-term effectiveness, minimal invasiveness, and the use of the patient’s own cells to reduce the risk of immune rejection.

Am I a candidate for disc regeneration?

Individuals with chronic pain, weakness, or other symptoms associated with damaged or herniated discs may be candidates for disc regeneration. However, a consultation with a qualified surgeon like Dr. Jian Shen is necessary to determine eligibility for the procedure.

What is the recovery time for disc regeneration surgery?

Recovery time for disc regeneration surgery is typically shorter than traditional surgical treatments, with most patients returning to their daily activities within a few weeks.

Are there any risks or complications associated with disc regeneration surgery?

As with any surgical procedure, there are some risks and potential complications associated with disc regeneration surgery, such as infection or bleeding. However, these risks are typically minimal and can be managed with proper care and follow-up.

How long does it take to see the results of disc regeneration?

While results may vary, patients typically experience significant pain relief and improved function within a few months of the procedure. However, it may take up to a year to see the full effects of the regeneration process.

How can I learn more about disc regeneration and whether it is right for me?

If you are interested in disc regeneration or have questions about the procedure, schedule a consultation with a qualified surgeon like Dr. Jian Shen to discuss your options and determine the best course of treatment for your individual needs.

Contact us 

Dr. Jian Shen is a world-renowned leader in endoscopic spine surgery and disc regeneration, with extensive experience and expertise in these innovative procedures. If you are suffering from chronic pain, weakness, or other symptoms associated with damaged or herniated discs, consider disc regeneration as a promising treatment option.

To schedule a consultation, contact Dr. Shen’s office. Don’t let chronic pain and other symptoms hold you back – take the first step towards a pain-free and healthy life with disc regeneration surgery.